sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011

Valencia Trip 4/11/11 to 6/11/11

I went to there just coz a gal. Little gal. Sweet young thing indeed...by computer and telehone only.

But she was so unrefined, terrible shy, closed, timid, intimidated, ... what a blind date!!! hahaha
I need real; rest is not more than a virtual paranoia and virtual has not value.
Time and money wasted at Chez Lyon restaurant, D´en LLop St. Low quality, just for slightly demanding.

I add my tasting wine too

Nice Chardonnay with a lemony nose, herbal and bread. Nothing special but a honest bottle.
Best refreshing mouthfeel with a lovely bitterness aftertaste and a good length.
With Paloma, that sweet young thing, at Chez Lyon restaurant, D'en Llop st, Valencia.

Buen Chardo con una nariz almidonada, herbáceo y con pan. Nada especial pero una botella honesta.
Mejor la sensación refrescante en boca con un rico amargor en el postgusto y un buen recorrido.
Con Paloma, la jovencita, en el restaurante francés Chez Lyon en Valencia.

After that absurd date, a sunny saturday, a quick visit to my favorite wine stores in Valencia (Añadas de España where some bottles were purchased and Mantequerías Castillo) a few calls cause there were the GP bike races. Lucky me, was invited to a privite party at the Hilton (do not think anything about Paris, whom I saw over there).  I am a gentleman anyway. Nice and funny despite I had a room at NH.

For the end a rich ans complex bottle for that kind of late dinner we love.

05/11/2011: Dark purple colour, very Bobal like, Monastrell even.
A New World style wine.
Mineral and sandy nose with ripe cherries, plums, liquorice and sandalwood.
Richly profound, complex bottle.
100% Grenache? Hmmm, who can say so? Believe me, very long anyway.
Paired with kebab
This is, not doubts about it, a world class wine and a bargain at the same time. Do not miss this one!

Color púrpura oscuro, muy Bobal o incluso Monastrell.
Un vino de estilo del Nuevo Mundo.
Nariz mineral y arenosa con cerezas maduras, ciruelas, regaliz y sándalo.
Botella ricamente profunda y compleja.
¿Solo Garnacha? ¿ Quien puede decir eso? Creeme, muy largo de todas modos.
Acompañó un kebab.
Este es, sin duda, un vino de clase mundial y a la vez un chollo. No te lo pierdas.

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